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10000-18000元 杭州钱塘区 应届毕业生 大专
10000-18000元 杭州钱塘区 应届毕业生 大专
POSITION OVERVIEW 职位概况: • Supervise Assembly shop and ensure the department operates efficiently, safely and in accordance with plant rules. To create a environment where fairness, equality and non-discriminatory practices are standard • 结合公司制度,管理焊接车间并确保操作的高效性、安全性和规范性。在人文环境中创建一个公平、平等和非歧视的行为规范作为标准 • QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED职位要求: • Minimum 3 years work-related experience in automotive field • 至少3年的相关工作经验在汽车领域 • Minimum 1 year management experience • 至少1年的管理工作经验 • Excellent organizational, leadership, interpersonal and problem solving skills. • 极好的组织能力,领导能力及解决问题能力 • Strong Execution • 执行力强 • Good English skills in written and verbal • 良好的英语书面和口头能力 • Makes personnel decisions in shopfloor. • 在车间内负责人员的管控 • The shop floor shift leaders report to him. (As current organization chart) • 根据公司组织结构规划,生产班长,需向生产主管汇报工作 • Be authorized to make decision to stop production in emergency situation (With risk of people injured, with risk of quality failure, with risk of machine damaged) • 在紧急情况下(有人员受伤的风险,有质量失效的风险,有设备损坏的风险)有权停止生产 • RESPONSIBILITIES / EFFORTS / WORKING CONDITIONS职位描述; • Enhance leadership in shopfloor continually. • 持续提高车间领导力 • Ensure that accurate daily supervisor routing are completed, • 确保精确完成主管工作日志 • Be responsible for monitoring production objectives (OEE, scrap, personnel). • 负责监督各项生产指标(设备综合效率,废品率,生产人员利用率) • Supervise process documents (PFMEA, Flowcharts, Error-proofing plan, WI, Training documents) to be implemented in production. • 督导过程文件(潜在失效模式分析、流程图、防错计划、作业指导书、培训文件)在生产上被执行 • Be responsible for implementation of Kaizen process in shopfloor. • 负责持续改进活动在车间的执行。 • Support machine/assembly process optimization. • 协助机器,装配工艺的分析和优化 • Support production manager to reduce production cost (Increase utilization rate, reduce consumable cost and increase productivity). • 协助生产经理降低成本(提高设备利用率、降低消耗品成 本及提高生产力) • Recruit new operators. • 招聘新员工 • Monthly review and evaluate operators' performance • 员工月度绩效考核 • Continually improve teamwork (skill/training, motivation, morale, communication) in shop floor. • 持续改进车间团队建设(技能/培训、激励、精神士气、沟通)。 • Plan, coordinate and control personnel development in shopfloor. • 规划,协调车间员工的发展 • EHS coordination in shopfloor. • 车间EHS协调工作 • Maintain positive communication between departments, • 各部门间保持积极的沟通 • Encourage and promote positive feedback and suggestions from the operators, • 提倡和鼓励操作者的正面反馈和意见 • Work within the guidelines of the Cosma China Associate Handbook • 根据公司员工手册的内容开展工作 • Commitment to continuous improvement and work place safety • 有义务持续改进和保持工作场所的安全 • TS16949 awareness and adherence • 了解并贯彻TS16949 • Other duties as may be required • 以及其他要求的职责
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